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When I was 16 I met the circus world.

In my first blog I mentioned you about one of my favorite activities; aerial silks. 

When I started to practice aerial silks it was only a hobby, something irrelevant in my life. I thought I can live without training. Now I feel empty when I don't attend to my trainings. 

Up of the silks I feel free, I haven't any worry or any fear. It’s the best therapy.

At the circus I also met other disciplines like trapeze and “mano a mano” (or acroportadas) and very soon (October 10th to 13th) I will attend to the “CONVE” (Chilean Convention of Circus and Street Art). I’m very excited for that! I hope learn a lot about Circus and Aerial disciplines in general.

Actually I’m part of “PatioBodega Circus”, a self-management organization of the UCH students.

You should try some circus discipline!


  1. Hi Dani! Your hobby is very interesting and beuatiful . I wish you much success in the CONVE.

  2. Always the circus stuffs makes me feel magic things, it's a very beautiful discipline!

  3. Hi Daniela, congrats , i wish you the best in the CONVE !

  4. Circus sound very interesting. When I was in theater company, we did a little of "mano a mano"


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