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Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2019


When I was 16 I met the circus world. In my first blog I mentioned you about one of my favorite activities; aerial silks.  When I started to practice aerial silks it was only a hobby, something irrelevant in my life. I thought I can live without training. Now I feel empty when I don't attend to my trainings.  Up of the silks I feel free, I haven't any worry or any fear. It’s the best therapy. At the circus I also met other disciplines like trapeze and “mano a mano” (or acroportadas) and very soon (October 10 th to 13 th ) I will attend to the “CONVE” (Chilean Convention of Circus and Street Art). I’m very excited for that! I hope learn a lot about Circus and Aerial disciplines in general. Actually I’m part of “PatioBodega Circus”, a self-management organization of the UCH students. You should try some circus discipline!


Definitely my phone it's part of me now.  When I was 9 my parents given me my first phone. They both work all day and they have been looking a way to comunicate with me; a basic phone was the solution.  At the beginning I used my cellphone just to call or text my parents. Now, my cellphone it's part of me; I use it all day for everything; if I need to call someone or if I want to take a picture, listen music at the bus, to write a friend who lives at the other side or the world, to make my homework, send a e-mail; in many different moments of my day.  I like it because it's really easy for me use it, I love the size, and definitely I love the camera of my phone. Take pictures it's something that I really like to do and when I'm without my camera, my cellphone it's a good alternative. Spite I really like my cellphone I think that a live without it it's definitely better. You ain't worry about the time, the ringtone noice. For me, a phone it&#

Why am I studying Social Work ?

 Since I was a child my parents told me that I had to go to university and study some career, I never knew which, because I love do many things; cook, dance, play with cars. I was very good at school so I could never decide one thing, when I was in high school I wanted to study ingeeniering; I believed that I was a scientist. During the 2018 summer I turned from sciences to humanities; I spent all my last high school year without knowing what I wanted to study; my option were sociology but I wasn't very sure. After the PSU results I was crazy looking for some career when a teacher of my high school asked me "Why not Social Work?". I started to investigate about the career; I liked it, I postulated and then I entered here.   My experience in this career has been so enriching; I met very cool and good people and i learned a lot, not only about contents; if not about life, the life I want to live and about the world I want to create (at least my little world).