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Blog 2- Healthcare system

 Hello everyone!  It is saturday's night and i'm writting this post, i hope that whoever reads this is doing something better.  The teacher in her blog, tell us something very personal about her father. I had many shared feelings because in this moment my sister is waiting for the resoults of a biopsy she had to do. Is very likely she has cancer and it's really hard to believe or imagine it cause she is just 24 years. When people talk about cancers and health disease or whatever related to sickness, we tend to believe this kind of things do not happens to young people.  I think the uncertainy and the waiting for results is one of the most terrible parts. The hope and wishes for everything goes well is a double-edged sword. We still trust the resoults can be positive for her but nobody knows, anything. We just have to wait.  Talking about waiting. It is bleak. People wait for resoults, people wait for availability of critical beds, for respirators. People wait to be trated,
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 Hi everyone! I hope you all are ok :) I was reflexionating about my life and my political opinions through it. First of all, i want to conclude than parents and their own opinions influence our opinions deeply.  In my family, my mom and dad are very human, they don’t define themselves into some political sector. They are interested in environment topics so i’m in too.  There are so many things we learn based on the social media we have been raised. Society also influences the way we think. 10 years ago our thoughts were, probably, much tradicional compared to today.  I have to recognize, when i was like 12 or 13 years old i used to think the abortion shouldn’t be legal; cause “people must be responsible of their actions”. It was a very selfish though, but i have to admit that i was just a child and, in that moment i didn’t see the problems behind abortion.


I will tell you more about this picture. I took it on a sunset during my trip to Valdivia in July; there you can see the Valdivia Lake and some winter clouds. That trip was very short but I spent a really good time with my friends, we stayed at the Gabi's grandma’s house in Niebla. Those days were so tiring because we did a lot of things; it was my first time in that city so all the places we went to was a new place to me.   I like this picture because it reminds me how much relaxed I was in that moment, I was enjoying the view, the wind. Before we arrived to the “Costanera” we went to “Entrelagos”, a famous chocolate store, after that we walk to our destination. Just before this photo, some birds poop over Gabi and me, it was the grossest thing that ever happened to me, but at the same time it was really funny.


When I was 16 I met the circus world. In my first blog I mentioned you about one of my favorite activities; aerial silks.  When I started to practice aerial silks it was only a hobby, something irrelevant in my life. I thought I can live without training. Now I feel empty when I don't attend to my trainings.  Up of the silks I feel free, I haven't any worry or any fear. It’s the best therapy. At the circus I also met other disciplines like trapeze and “mano a mano” (or acroportadas) and very soon (October 10 th to 13 th ) I will attend to the “CONVE” (Chilean Convention of Circus and Street Art). I’m very excited for that! I hope learn a lot about Circus and Aerial disciplines in general. Actually I’m part of “PatioBodega Circus”, a self-management organization of the UCH students. You should try some circus discipline!


Definitely my phone it's part of me now.  When I was 9 my parents given me my first phone. They both work all day and they have been looking a way to comunicate with me; a basic phone was the solution.  At the beginning I used my cellphone just to call or text my parents. Now, my cellphone it's part of me; I use it all day for everything; if I need to call someone or if I want to take a picture, listen music at the bus, to write a friend who lives at the other side or the world, to make my homework, send a e-mail; in many different moments of my day.  I like it because it's really easy for me use it, I love the size, and definitely I love the camera of my phone. Take pictures it's something that I really like to do and when I'm without my camera, my cellphone it's a good alternative. Spite I really like my cellphone I think that a live without it it's definitely better. You ain't worry about the time, the ringtone noice. For me, a phone it&#

Why am I studying Social Work ?

 Since I was a child my parents told me that I had to go to university and study some career, I never knew which, because I love do many things; cook, dance, play with cars. I was very good at school so I could never decide one thing, when I was in high school I wanted to study ingeeniering; I believed that I was a scientist. During the 2018 summer I turned from sciences to humanities; I spent all my last high school year without knowing what I wanted to study; my option were sociology but I wasn't very sure. After the PSU results I was crazy looking for some career when a teacher of my high school asked me "Why not Social Work?". I started to investigate about the career; I liked it, I postulated and then I entered here.   My experience in this career has been so enriching; I met very cool and good people and i learned a lot, not only about contents; if not about life, the life I want to live and about the world I want to create (at least my little world).

My autobiography

Hello, as you can see above, my name is Daniela Loyola Pinto. I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil on February 2001. My parents are Chileans and they moved to Brazil many years before my birth, they were looking for better jobs opportunities. When I was 2, they decided to come back to Chile; specifically, Pomaire were I spent almost all my childhood, and where I am actually living. I completed my elementary and high school at Colegio Melipilla, now I'm studying Social Work at the University of Chile, this is my second semester here.  I have two other sisters, they both major than me, one of them is studying Physical engineering at the  USACH and the other one obstetrics at the UV. When I was sixteen I discovered the circus world and I get fall in love with aerial silks and other aerial disciplines. Also, that year I became a Vegetarian person because I love animals and I don't want to eat them.