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Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2021

Blog 2- Healthcare system

 Hello everyone!  It is saturday's night and i'm writting this post, i hope that whoever reads this is doing something better.  The teacher in her blog, tell us something very personal about her father. I had many shared feelings because in this moment my sister is waiting for the resoults of a biopsy she had to do. Is very likely she has cancer and it's really hard to believe or imagine it cause she is just 24 years. When people talk about cancers and health disease or whatever related to sickness, we tend to believe this kind of things do not happens to young people.  I think the uncertainy and the waiting for results is one of the most terrible parts. The hope and wishes for everything goes well is a double-edged sword. We still trust the resoults can be positive for her but nobody knows, anything. We just have to wait.  Talking about waiting. It is bleak. People wait for resoults, people wait for availability of critical beds, for respirators. People wait to be trated,