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Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2021


 Hi everyone! I hope you all are ok :) I was reflexionating about my life and my political opinions through it. First of all, i want to conclude than parents and their own opinions influence our opinions deeply.  In my family, my mom and dad are very human, they don’t define themselves into some political sector. They are interested in environment topics so i’m in too.  There are so many things we learn based on the social media we have been raised. Society also influences the way we think. 10 years ago our thoughts were, probably, much tradicional compared to today.  I have to recognize, when i was like 12 or 13 years old i used to think the abortion shouldn’t be legal; cause “people must be responsible of their actions”. It was a very selfish though, but i have to admit that i was just a child and, in that moment i didn’t see the problems behind abortion.