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Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2019


I will tell you more about this picture. I took it on a sunset during my trip to Valdivia in July; there you can see the Valdivia Lake and some winter clouds. That trip was very short but I spent a really good time with my friends, we stayed at the Gabi's grandma’s house in Niebla. Those days were so tiring because we did a lot of things; it was my first time in that city so all the places we went to was a new place to me.   I like this picture because it reminds me how much relaxed I was in that moment, I was enjoying the view, the wind. Before we arrived to the “Costanera” we went to “Entrelagos”, a famous chocolate store, after that we walk to our destination. Just before this photo, some birds poop over Gabi and me, it was the grossest thing that ever happened to me, but at the same time it was really funny.